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2012 EHJ Hunt Winner Success

Last February, Jason Kiiskila from Kent, Washington found out that he won the 2012 Eastmans’ EHJ mule deer hunt in Montana. For Jason, this was a very special hunt as this would be his first opportunity to take a mule deer. Jason wanted to do his best to be in shape for the hunt and he dedicated his time to working out. Over the course of the next few months Jason lost 30 pounds and was ready for all that eastern Montana had to offer.

The day finally came to head to Montana, so Jason and his dad Carl loaded their truck and left Washington. Jason and Carl were met by Ike Eastman and the Eastmans’ Hunting TV film crew at Sizzlin S Outitters in Terry, MT. Shortly after the guys arrived, they headed out to do some scouting and see what they could turn up.

When it comes to mule deer hunting, there are several factors that can work against you. As it would turn out, Jason had two of the biggest ones working against him on this hunt. The weather was warm and literally on the verge of early summer temperatures. This threw a wrench into the hunt, but the guys weren’t about to start making excuses. The deer they did find were all young bucks and does. A few days in, they came across a giant whitetail and even though Ike tried to convince Jason to put a stalk on the buck, Jason insisted that he came for a mule deer.

Over the next couple of days, the guys stuck with it and ended up finding this buck several times. A few stalks were made, but it wasn’t until day four that all the stars aligned. The guys moved over a ridge, cutting off some distance, and ended up getting within 87 yards from the unsuspecting buck. Jason settled the crosshairs on the buck’s shoulder and the Savage Lightweight Hunter in 6.5 Creedmor did the rest. Jason was extremely excited to take his first mule deer and it will surely be one he won’t soon forget. Make sure you watch for this show to air on Eastman’ Hunting TV on the outdoor channel next year.

About Ike Eastman

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Ike Eastman is the President of Eastmans’ Publishing and oversees the daily operations of Eastmans’ Hunting TV, Eastmans’ Hunting and Bowhunting Journals, Eastmans’ Live Events including the Trophy Deer Tour, films in the fall and is hands-on in all facets of the company. Ike’s hunting knowledge and expertise has been shaped by more than 25 years of pursuing trophy big game across most of North America.

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