Home / Antelope / The Eastmans’ MRS Annual- Your Source For Hunting Research!

The Eastmans’ MRS Annual- Your Source For Hunting Research!

For those of you familiar with the MRS (Members’ Research Section) you’ll need little explanation when I say it’s all finally bound inside one cover! If there’s been one request that I have repeatedly received it’s, Why can’t I get the MRS in one book, or why do I have to buy both journals to get the complete MRS?

The first problem is now solved with the creation of the Members’ Research Annual. The answer to the second request will never change as we time the release of the current MRS content with the state’s release of information, thus our issues will always be enslaved to that. We are lucky in that we have a monthly publication (combo of both journals) to be able to provide our members that information in a timely manner. But enough of that, let’s talk about the new MRS Annual!

For the first time ever we have combined over 2,000 exhaustive man-hours into 368 pages of the most comprehensive, all-inclusive research you’ll find on all 11 western states. For those looking for better hunting opportunities in their home state – you’ll find that. For those looking to expand their hunting adventures to other states – well, you’ll find that too! This book literally has it all for hunters across the experience spectrum.

The beauty of this book is you can now build a reference library and have unit trends, trophy potential,success rates and exclusive, on-the ground insight from sources in the field in each of these states. This is more than our personal predictions, it’s a culmination of actual data compiled from game biologists,wardens and other hardcore hunters like you.

As deadlines and page space are the death and taxes of the print world, the information in the MRS Annual is also expanded from what was printed in the journals. We simply can’t fit it all in the page space we have. Well, when we built the MRS Annual we let it grow as big as it needed to be to provide you 100% of the information we compiled.

So here’s how you can get the MRS Annual. If you buy the print version ($49.99 for members and $69.99 for non-subscribers), you also get digital access to it for one year. If you already have a print or digital subscription, and in the future you can get the MRS Annual digital version for an additional $9.99. Considering the cost of the hunt you are about to embark on, I would say it is money well spent. As always, if you’re successful on your hunt, don’t forget to take good photos and send them my way. I’d love to work with you and share your story in the pages of an Eastmans’ Journal.

About Dan Turvey, Jr.

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  1. I am a subscriber of the elk and would like to buy this. Is there a promo code so that it isn’t the full price?

  2. I just wanted to first say that this research book is a great and marvelous guide for new and current hunters! Now they can go out to the great outdoors prepared and with a guide that helps them find game more accurately. The fact that the book is updated every year makes it so much better! My only question is how the updated information is conducted? Do you have just the hunters go out and record data on game locations compared to last year? Its very interesting, therefore, I am curious to learn the procedure for obtaining this valuable data. Keep up the great work!

    elk hunt

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