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Step 3- Gear UP!

Step 3 – Gear Up

If the clothes make the man does the gear make the hunter? Mmm… partly. While it is true that our forebearers hunted with equipment that most of us wouldn’t dream of using today and were still successful and that no amount of equipment is a substitute for woodcraft and field knowledge, there can be little debate that the right gear and equipment can not only make your hunts more successful but more enjoyable as well.

Backcountry and adventure style hunts like those done in the American West and North tax your equipment like no other. Here at Eastmans’ Hunting Journals we have been putting equipment to the test for three generations and we know what works!

In every issue of Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal you’ll find Gear Labs and Hardcore Field Tests written by our expert staff who put that gear through the ringer on hunts across the West. We weed out what works from what doesn’t so you have the inside scoop on the latest and greatest equipment out there.

Don’t trust your hunt of a lifetime to unproven equipment. You’ve saved the money and done the research, now it’s time to pick the best gear to help you on your big game adventure. Subscribe now to Eastmans’ Hunting Journals and you’ll be in the know on gear so you can eliminate any weak links in your system.


About Todd Helms

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