Home / Gear / Fire Ratings are Junk?! Secure, Mobile Gun Storage | SecureIt Review

Fire Ratings are Junk?! Secure, Mobile Gun Storage | SecureIt Review

This gear review features fast access, secure gun storage built by SecureIt. The Eastmans’ team is customizing its new headquarters using SecureIt’s cradle grid system and secure gun storage cabinets including the Agile 52 Pro and Agile Model 14. Ike Eastman visits with Josh Kinser, Marketing Director of ‪@SecureItGunStorage‬ to design the new office space including a custom gun display for a museum wall. Kinser breaks down the benefits of SecureIt’s unique modular system. The guys also discuss why the fire rating on a traditional safe isn’t what you think is. Hear more from Josh Kinser on an upcoming episode of the Eastmans’ Journal Podcast hosted by Ike Eastman.

About Jessica Baglio

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