It’s been a while sense I’ve checked in. Had some work done on my bad knee and I’ve been a bit laid up the last few weeks.
It’s bear season and I’ve been poking around looking for the old black bear that I have been hunting last two seasons. Talked to some timber workers this morning and they spotted him four days ago. I know it’s the same bear because of his size. The bruin is as big as a good grizzly! Now these lumberjacks have spent enough time up here to know the different between the two species.

Speaking of grizzlies, I came rolling back into the homestead after hunting this morning, and Bertie was out doing some yard work. As soon as she saw me she blurted out “did you see the grizzly this morning”? What grizzly? That was all it took for her to start laughing. While you’re out running around the forest a brown colored grizzly wonders thru the country. I had just missed him by 20 minutes this morning when I left the house. I found out the place just above me had a brown bear two days before eating lawn grass. I’m thinking it’s the same bear he just moved down the creek away. I haven’t seen much bear sign this spring on the creek. I think because the elk didn’t winter on my creek this year, there’s no winterkill to attract the bears.
If you have been reading my blog, I wrote last winter about the two bull moose wintering on my creek. Good news! This morning I spotted both bulls feeding in the swamp, plus a cow with a yearling. The one bull already has good paddles! Wolfs didn’t down those old boys. What luck! I haven’t seen them for at least a month, then, here they show up. I might pack my still camera with me tomorrow while bear hunting. If I can get a photo of the old bull, I will post it so you can see him in the first stages of his antler growth. He’s living in a swamp just above the house.
Guy, Ike and I were invited to hang out at the grand opening of Cabela’s in Billings, Montana store this Saturday. As I was heading down the creek to the main highway I ran right in to a male and female wolf working their way up the side hill. They were only 200 yards above me and stopped to give me the old eye. Finally they moved up the mountain and to the timber. Both were gray colored and nether one had a collar.
Getting to Billings is a 2 1/2 hour car trip one way. When I arrived at 10:00 a.m. the place was packed with outdoor people. We had a great time talking to everyone and I sold a pile of my new book Hunting Trophy Antelope a DIY Guide.

If you’re interested in the first edition of the book they’re almost gone. If you want one, you can call Eastmans’ Hunting Journal (800-842-6887) and purchase one of the last limited edition copies. Speaking of my book. I got a great e-mail from an EHJ subscriber who had purchase the antelope book and here’s what he said:
Dear Mike, I recently purchased your new book/dvd Hunting Trophy Antelope DIY. Outstanding!!!
I do quite a bit of reading/researching on the internet and in magazine articles. However, I rarely sit down and read a book.
Not yours! I read the entire book in three evenings. I had a hard time putting it down. I am planning a hunt in Wyoming for 2010. I will buy a preference point this year. I am also planning two trips to scout a couple of units, one in August and again in October in preparation for the 2010 season. I will study your book many more times so I can better absorb and utilize all of the excellent information it contains.
I will be using your techniques, approaches and suggestions from the book. I have also used the MRS to help in my planning. It is an invaluable and unmatched resource that I highly recommend. As a new subscriber to The EHJ, I cannot wait for my first issue. You and your staff offer the hands down best web site, magazine, and TV show that can be found anywhere. The thing I appreciate and respect the most is the ethical and fair chase approach to hunting. I do not hunt within high fences!
You folks are the “real deal”. That cannot be found anywhere. I have very few hunting shows that I record and watch on the weekends. Yours is my #1 show.
I see your Antelope book as my workbook and must have study reference. Your writing style is very easy to read, down to earth, and written in a conversational style. No hype, just “meat and potatoes”. That too is hard to find.
Please extend my appreciation and give a big “atta boy” to Guy, Ike and your entire staff for a job well done with Eastman’s! Oh yeah Mike, you get a big atta boy too!
An “atta boy” is the highest compliment I can give.
Thank you for writing a much need reference book which is “my bible” for hunting the fun to chase Pronghorn. We all appreciate your efforts and high quality work!
Take care and keep up the good work.
Kindest regards,
Paul Sammons

The weather has turned hot and the high country is melting and the creeks and rivers are roaring. Will keep you posted on the bear hunting. Looking for this one bear is like looking for a needle in a haystack. No baiting up here to many grizzlies. Mike Eastman