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Late-Season Elk

The hunting season has now come to a close as the cold winter months set in. I was fortunate enough to get some late-season elk hunting in this year and killed a very nice bull right before Thanksgiving in Montana. It seems like a lot of the elk hunting hype is centered on the action packed elk rut but don’t be totally fooled. Even though the bulls are not bugling this time of year, a late-season elk hunt can be very exciting if you ask me. It can also be a rewarding experience second only to a rut-filled September basin.

If you’re itching to chase a big, snowbound, late-season bull next season – I suggest you look to the following areas for the best-of-the-best opportunities. States like Nevada, Wyoming and Montana have the most late-season elk hunts to choose from.

Arizona: White Mtn.1/2B/2C, Mesa 23

Colorado: Mesa 40, Montrose 61

Idaho: Lemhi 30, Owyhee W. 46

Montana: Elk Horns 380-20, MO Breaks 410-20, MO Breaks 621-20

Nevada: Elko 062/068, White Pine 104/121, Nye 161/171 90%

New Mexico: Muzzleloader 15

Oregon: Mt. Emily #2, Wenaha #2

Utah: San Juan 14, SW Desert 20

Wyoming: Boulder 59-1, Greybull R. 61-2, Wilson 78-1

For additional information on these and other late-season, elk hunting opportunities, refer to the MRS section in the December through May issues of Eastmans’ Hunting and Bowhunting Journals. Information such as draw odds, season dates, access, hunt quality, trophy potential, and much more are detailed in these issues. Make sure your subscription is renewed so you don’t miss out on this highly valuable and important research information www.eastmans.com.

Don’t forget to get those gift subs in before Christmas sneaks up on us as fast as the fall left us. We will be drawing our 2014 Elk Hunt Winner later on in the year (2014), so you will certainly want to get your name in the hat as many times as possible for that. I hope you all had a very successful and exciting 2013 hunting season.

Best of luck to you in the 2014 draws and make sure you capitalize on these cold, off-season months and put together your research strategy/hunt application plan.

Guy Eastman

Editor-In-Chief – Eastmans’ Hunting Journals

About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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  1. I was wondering how come your not bringing the deer tour to our sportsmans show in Oregon,in feb this year or are you.I’d love to see it.Nice bull btw

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