Home / Gear / Eastmans’ 2014 Western Trophy Review: Colorado Mule Deer

Eastmans’ 2014 Western Trophy Review: Colorado Mule Deer

Ike's CO Buck 14It’s happened once again, archery season has closed in most western states and rifle season is going full bore. I have to admit that this is one of my favorite times of the year. It is when we see the hunter’s who really put in their time and put some big bucks and bulls on the ground. The mule deer bucks have left their high country summer homes and are starting to timber up and the mature bulls are pulling off of the cows to recover from the rut. It sure isn’t an easy time to fill a tag. But when it’s all said and done, it’s always a pleasure to see what comes into the office from our dedicated members.

This year, Ike was lucky enough to take two bucks that will fit nicely on his wall next to the other trophy mule deer he has harvested. His Colorado buck was incredibly hard to judge because of his exceptional body size but in the end, after some time behind the glass, he proved to be too good to pass up. With a green score of 189, I would say this buck was worth punching his tag on.

Remember, this season when you harvest your trophy that the memories from the hunt can fade over time, but a well taken picture can last a lifetime. Take the time to pose your animals well and show the best features of their antlers or horns. This winter as you relive the memories of the hunt, you won’t regret spending a few more minutes in the field with your trophy.

As always, thank you to all who have submitted a story to us at [email protected], our online forum, or through our Facebook page. With the growth of our digital editions of the journals we are very excited to offer expanded content in each digital issue that we aren’t able to put in print. As a digital subscriber this means that you’ll not only receive your regular content but every digital issue will feature more stories from readers, videos and special offers from our advertisers. It also means that you can take the latest issues with you into the field to read around a campfire or pass the time in your tent.

Good luck as the season marches on and don’t forget to send us your stories.




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About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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