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Arizona Bear Attacks Boy In Wheelchair

Arizona Bear Attacks Boy In Wheelchair

By Andrew Gillett

For the second time in less than one year someone has been attacked by a black bear in Arizona. According to the Arizona Game and Fish Department the bear entered a cabin where a disabled teenage boy was watching television. The bear swiped at the boy and exited the cabin before returning and swiping a second time. Fortunately, the boy’s older brother came to the rescue and was able to end the attack before the bear could inflict any more damage. The boy was treated for his wounds at a local hospital. AZGFD officers located the 3-year-old male bear a short time later and killed it.

The interaction comes less than one year after a man was fatally mauled by a bear near Prescott, AZ. Arizona has historically recorded very few bear attacks, just 16 since 1990, and the uptick is gaining the attention of hunters. In recent years AZGFD has reduced the number and duration of Spring bear hunts. The timing of the two attacks conspicuously comes during times when seasons would have been occurring prior to the change. We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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