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Anti-hunters Double Down in Colorado

Anti-hunters Double Down in Colorado

By Dan Gates

If one has not paid attention to the most recent attacks on Science Based Wildlife Management, especially in Colorado then this update might be a shocker but it is something that has continued to escalate since 2018 when the current Govenor was elected bringing with him a slew of animal rights agendas to essentially curtail Wildlife Management and the Agricultural Industry while putting a choke hold and attempting to erode and degrade animal welfare and animal husbandry practices throughout the State.   Following this pathway in Colorado, Animal Rights Activists including the Governor’s husband (First Gentleman) have allowed the stars to align where the activists in the last several months filed two Ballot Initiatives to ban all Harvest of Mountain Lions and Bobcats and essentially ignore Science Based Wildlife Management and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.   The filing of Initiatives 91 and 101  are driven to Prohibit Trophy Hunting when in all actuality Trophy Hunting is defined in the measure as intentionally pursuing, wounding, entrapping and killing a Mountain Lion or Bobcat.  This is plain and simple hunting, not trophy hunting.   The Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management has followed this process of these two Initiatives from the start and is the tip of the sphere in leading the charge through the Colorado Title Board, the Secretary of the State and the Colorado Supreme Court.  The eventual outcome will be that one of these measures or another, that has not been yet to be revealed will be on the 2024 Election Ballot where the voters of Colorado will decide on how these iconic species are managed.   While building a collaborative alliance with many national and state organizations such as RMEF, SCI, NWTF, Muley Fanatics, and dozens more the Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management is helping to circle the wagons while providing the necessary tools with campaign strategists as well as legal counsel to put up a fight to defeat these and other initiatives.   All Sportsmen and Women need to educate themselves and support the efforts to defeat these measures in Colorado.  While this is a adapting landscape it must be recognized based upon the language along with the intended outcomes that if successful these motivations to stop all hunting, no matter what the method of take or what species or what state, these activists will not be happy until they squash all aspects of hunting, fishing and trapping in anyway shape or form.  Everyone has heard the phrase “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” but that’s not the story in this case.  What happens in Colorado will not stay in Colorado.  It will spread like a cancer to other states if we allow the momentum and the lunacy to continue to build.   The Sportsmen and Women of today have been fortunate enough to have what we have by what has been supplied to us over the last 140 years.  Roosevelt, Pinchot, Grinnell, Hornaday, and many others paved the way with Wildlife Conservation tactics that provided things like the Lacey Act, the Migratory Bird Act, the Pittman Robertson Legislation, Dingle Johnson Legislation, the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.  These and many other efforts have allowed us to be where we are now, and it is time that we unite at all levels to ensure these legacies are not wiped out because of extreme Animal Rights Agendas.  Whether one lives in Maine or California, Ohio or in Colorado the guerilla warfare tactics will affect us all and we need to raise up and unite to help our fellow Sportsmen and Women and Wildlife Management Agencies to support and educate and defend the greatest conservation story on the planet.  For more information about what is going on in Colorado go to savethehuntcolorado.com and help us support the cause which will in turn help you not to become the next notch on the activists’ gun belt.   Stay the course and remember anything you cherish is worth fighting for especially before it’s too late and taken away. Dan GatesExecutive Director for Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife ManagementPresident Colorado Trappers and Predator Hunters Association

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One comment

  1. Does anyone really believe that the majority of voters in Colorado – or any other state, for that matter – are really anti-hunters or support an anti-hunting agenda? This is only one of a multitude of examples of just how pervasive are the effects of a corrupt voting system in not just Colorado, but throughout our country. In my state of Pennsylvania, for example, the Secretary of State mailed 1.8 million mail-in ballots in 2020, but received over 2.5 million; where did the extra 700,000 votes come from? More than one ward in the Philadelphia area had over 100 percent voter participation and Pennsylvania is not alone. Until we address the multitude of election issues at the town, city, county, state and federal levels, we’ll continue to see entirely unexplainable actions by our governments
    – actions that we know are not supported by the general population.

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