Home / Trophy Species / 61 Inch Bull Moose Hunt

61 Inch Bull Moose Hunt

Hunting a moose with antlers as wide as the dining room table is on just about every hunter’s bucket list! In the April/May issue of Eastmans’ Hunting Journal Gary English tells the story of filling his moose tag in Alaska on a hunt that most of us have only dreamed about! For the full story subscribe digitally to Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and read the whole story!


Are you ready to take the once in a life time adventure into the North Country? Give this episode of Eastmans’ Elevated a listen as contributor Rachel Ahtila talks about her experience as a guide and what you can do to help your guide when you head North! Make sure you subscribe to Eastmans’ Elevated and give every podcase a listen. We promise you will learn something in every episode to make you a better hunter and take home the trophies you have always wanted.

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One comment

  1. Thanks for taking us along on your adventures. Thoroughly enjoyed the video! Looks like a great time!

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