Draw Process Working Group Recommendations on Primary Draw Methods & Preference Points
By Dave Shaffer
A synopsis of the 3/14 Commissioner’s meeting.
The Working Group considered these options:
- Random Draw (similar to how Desert Sheep is done)
- Preference Draw (similar to how Derr, Elk are done)
- Bonus Point Draw (Similar to Weighted Draw for Bighorn, Goat, Moose)
- Split Draw / Hybrid Draw: 1st Preference Draw then Random Draw (Like Hybrid Draw)
- Split Draw / Hybrid Draw: 1st Preference Draw then Bonus Draw (Currently Not Used)
Preliminary Recommendations (These are only Preliminary Recommendations, NOT decisions.)
1) ** For Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Bear: Recommend changing from a pure Preference Point system to a Split Preference Draw & Bonus Draw (50/50 Split) for Deer, Elk, Bear, Pronghorn. (i.e. The first 50% of the tags would be a Preference Point Draw followed by a Bonus Draw for the remaining 50%.)
Note: Trophy Species (Sheep, Goat, Moose) will be discussed at the next meeting.
Note: Secondary Draw still being discussed.
2) Allocation: 75/25 split for ALL Deer, Elk, Bear, Pronghorn (eliminates the High Demand 80/20 that was recently approved and not even implemented yet).
3) Youth Preference: Status Quo, 2nd Draw 100% Youth Preference.
4) Preference Points Options
- **Use Points for ALL List A Licenses (All 4 Primary Choices would use & gain Points)
Eliminate the PP hunt Code; must choose if you want PP only (can’t include other hunt choices) OR apply for a license.
- Use Points in the Secondary Draw.
Group Agreed NOT to do this.
- Increase Cost of Points for ALL Species.
Group did NOT support this.
- Point Banking: Use only the number of preference points needed to draw a particular license, Bank the rest of your points.
- Group did NOT recommend this.
- Group Averaging: Using an average of all group member’s preference points.
- Group did NOT recommend this, concerned it would create a Market for Preference Points.
5. Limitation of Over-the-Counter Elk Licenses: They only considered units which are currently OTC.
Limitations of OTC Archery
**Alternative 1: (Recommended) Limit ALL resident & nonresident archery licenses (limited licenses are available through the Draw). (i.e. No more OTC Archery)
Note: This is the least preferred option by resident hunters.
- Alternative 2: Limit only Nonresident archery licenses (limited licenses are available through the Draw). Status quo OTC for residents.
Note: Nearly ALL of the resident (and even nonresident) Public Comments adamantly supported this option and requested the Commissioners support resident hunters.
- Status Quo: No Change
Limitations of OTC Rifle
- Alternative 1: Limit ALL resident & nonresident rifle licenses (limited licenses are available through the Draw).
- Alternative 2: Limit only Nonresident rifle Licenses (limited licenses are available through the Draw). Status quo OTC for residents.
- **Status Quo: (Recommended) No Change
6. Administrative Changes – Cow Moose
Recommendation: Optional Late Cow Moose Season that is additional to the regular October 1-14 moose rifle season and is valid for all regular rifle deer and elk seasons when necessary to meet management for moose.
7. Administrative Changes – PLO Black Bear
Recommendation: Modify the existing language to clarify that PLO rifle bear licenses are not required to be unlimited OTC for every population/DAU (managers could still choose an unlimited PLO OTC strategy).
8. BGSS Cycle Length
Recommendation: Status Quo, maintain the current 5-year cycle length.
Christian Schauf – “Life is not a dress rehearsal!” | Eastmans’ Journals Podcast
In the latest episode of the Eastmans’ Journal Podcast, Ike had the pleasure of interviewing Christian Schauf, a former singer/songwriter, entrepreneur, and a kind-hearted person. The conversation went deep into Christian’s experience performing for the military overseas and how he helped veterans disconnect from the trauma of war. They then discussed how Christian established companies that help people, including Uncharted Supply Co. He recognized the need for people to prepare themselves for emergency situations and jumped in to lend a hand. We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did.