Home / Podcast / Navigating Montana’s Outfitter Landscape: Insights with Will Israel | Eastmans’ Journal Podcast

Navigating Montana’s Outfitter Landscape: Insights with Will Israel | Eastmans’ Journal Podcast

In episode #62 of the Eastmans’ Journal Podcast, host Ike Eastman Ike sits down with Will Israel.Will is a former Army Ranger who served many years in the military, including seven rotations overseas. He is currently the Executive Director of the Montana Outfitters and Guides Association (MOGA). In this conversation, they discuss important topics such as the ongoing battle between public and private land in Montana. They also talk about “Big Hearts Under the Big Sky,” an initiative that Will is heavily involved in, highlighting both past and upcoming events. This conversation covers a lot of interesting ground, and we know you will enjoy it!

Also Available On:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2UrlE8bOodmdVLBKk8juMC?si=9JPZNdByRK6kEExL8Ge1DA

Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/navigating-montanas-outfitter-landscape-insights-with/id1674650769?i=1000682345698

About Ike Eastman

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Ike Eastman is the President of Eastmans’ Publishing and oversees the daily operations of Eastmans’ Hunting TV, Eastmans’ Hunting and Bowhunting Journals, Eastmans’ Live Events including the Trophy Deer Tour, films in the fall and is hands-on in all facets of the company. Ike’s hunting knowledge and expertise has been shaped by more than 25 years of pursuing trophy big game across most of North America.

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