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Colorado: Revamps Preference Points!

Previously, during the May 2023 Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission Meeting, the Commission directed staff to form a Draw Process Working Group (DWG), and the DWG has been working since then on these focus topics: draw methods for the Primary and Secondary draws, preference points, the weighted draw for sheep, goat and moose, and the reissue process. Policies that were recommended to remain status quo were not discussed. Recommendations for change were considered by the Commission during the January 8-9, 2025, meeting. Approved policies/regulations will not be implemented until the 2028 draws in order to allow time for draw reprogramming. These policies will also be re-examined every 10 years. This BLOG will highlight:


Preference Points for Deer, Elk, Bear, Pronghorn & Turkey

Obtaining Points – Preference Points are species-specific. With the exception
of turkey, only one point per species can be accrued per draw year. For turkey,
a point can be accrued per draw application season (spring and fall), so a
maximum of two per draw year.

  • Points are accrued in two ways; 1) by purchasing a point during the Primary
    Draw application period, or 2) if unsuccessful in drawing a first choice
    license during the Primary Draw.
  • Preference points are only gained and used on the first choice.
  • The first-choice preference point only hunt code (x-x-999-99-x) for each species is


Point Fees

  • Residents will be charged a $15 fee and nonresidents a $30 fee to receive a
    preference point for deer, elk, bear, pronghorn, or turkey (per species).
    Applicants can select to opt-out of paying the preference point fee if
    unsuccessful, but they will not gain a preference point for that species for
    that year.


Preference Points for Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, & Moose


Obtaining Points – Preference Points are species specific. Only one point per
species can be accrued per draw year.

  • Points are accrued in two ways; 1) by purchasing a point during the Primary
    Draw application period, or 2) if unsuccessful in drawing a first choice
    license during the Primary Draw.
  • $50/$100 preference point fee remains in place, with the option to opt-out.
  • 90/10 hard cap allocation, with residency-specified quota by hunt code.
  • The first-choice preference point only hunt code (x-x-999-99-x) for each species is


Points are Points

The differentiation between preference points and weighted preference
points are eliminated. All points are considered normal preference points
moving forward. All preexisting weighted preference points are added to
the number of preexisting preference points for that species to get the
updated point value for each customer.

About Dave Shaffer

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