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Hunt Antelope With Guy Eastman!

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Last year I had one of the best years of my hunting career for pronghorn. I was lucky enough to have tags for Wyoming, Montana and Colorado to fill. With a little luck I filled all three on quality bucks that now have places in my office and home. All the time in the field got me to thinking that it might be time to offer our digital subscribers the chance to be drawn for an antelope hunt in southern Colorado. This is the same place that we have had the opportunity to hunt and harvest some great bucks for the last 10 years and has produced some of the best memories from the field with our family and friends.

Over the years, our hunt winners have taken some incredible mule deer bucks and bulls and adding a third winner this fall is exciting. Some of my favorite hunting memories and new friendships have come from these hunts. Getting to offer a third chance for the Eastmans’ subscriber family to hunt with us this fall is going to add even more great memories.

The lucky winner will get to hunt with the Eastmans’ team and hopefully harvest the buck of a lifetime. Just like the deer and elk winners, we will record this hunt for Eastmans’ Hunting TV and air it on the Outdoor Channel.

To be eligible for this hunt all you have to do is be a subscriber to an Eastmans’ digital subscription. To kick this off we are going to offer a 24 hour sale on digital subscriptions. For the next 24 hours, $10.00 gets you both magazines in the digital format and $5.00 gets you a single title.

After you buy the subscription, you will want to download the app from the App Store or on Google Play and start reading. When you buy the subscription, make sure you setup your account and password, as this is how you’ll access the app. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS to view your subscription in the new app or create an account when you buy.

We are sure that you will like the new layout on mobile and tablet. Desktop view is coming soon, as well. You won’t be disappointed!

Who knows, your odds of getting pulled for this tag might actually be better than many of the hard to draw units across the West. Good luck and we hope you enjoy the digital mag!





P.S. Give the latest episode of Eastmans’ Elevated a listen, my brother Ike has a great conversation with Brian Barney about many topics including some of the off the wall luck he has had.

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About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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  1. signed up yesterday at the ISE in SLC.

  2. ross l dauterive dauterive

    What is my subscription status?

  3. john blanchard

    well here is another fine contest (drawing)I’ve got myself into.Sometimes I wonder which is worse.Waiting on a state draw results or enter 200 contest giveaways(guns and hunts) and ,well wait for them to end. So far ,well I dont plan on going anywhere (yet),and I am not planing on any ammo buys (yet),so here I (at 75 and still able)will keep waiting,but this time I have some super reading while I wait.

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